IBCC Automotive is a distinguished division specializing in providing high-caliber services to professionals involved in the buying and selling of vehicles. Our main mission is to facilitate and optimize the vehicle acquisition process for our clients. Offering an experienced and committed approach, we strive to provide quality vehicles while guaranteeing a monthly vehicle supply service.
In the competitive world of car trading, we understand the importance of having a large stock of vehicles for future sales. Therefore, at IBCC Automotive, we have refined our monthly vehicle shipment process to be fast and hassle-free. This means that our clients can rely on our sourcing system to increase their inventory and improve their revenue.
Our experience, our ability to assist you, our offerings and services, our commitment to quality are all part of our mission, but it goes beyond that... our mission is to help you drive your business forward.
"We connect interested buyers with dealerships, ensuring a steady flow of opportunities for your business.
The more vehicles you have at your disposal, the more chances you have to sell."
"Maximize customer satisfaction and ensure their return with our post-sale follow-up service
A well-cared-for customer is a guaranteed success for a solid reputation."
"Optimize your sales with our advanced management and automation tools.
A well-managed sales portal leads to more sales."
"We offer secretarial support for your financing department, ensuring your clients find the best solution.
A quickly processed financing means a guaranteed sale."
Over 10 years in the automotive sector.
We increase sales and optimize operations.
Your dealership always up and running.
Ready to take your dealership to the next level? Start now.
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